Eight steps to improve counter-terrorism measures in South Africa

By  Hussein Solomon
Feb. 22, 2012

Eight steps to improve counter-terrorism measures in South Africa

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Eight steps to improve counter-terrorism measures in South Africa

Counter-terrorism, Al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, radicalisation 2010 FIFA World Cup intelligence

Global terrorism has found a comfortable base in South Africa. Not only does this constitute a threat to the security of the country and its citizens, but it also constitutes a threat to countries as far away as Germany and the United Kingdom, as terrorists use South Africa as a base and operational hub for their activities elsewhere. The South African government has belatedly recognized that there is a problem,3 specifically after the September 2009 al Shabaab threat. Following the killing of senior al Shabaab commander Saleh Ali Nabhan, the group decided to target United States (US) interests in South Africa in revenge.