Engaging Civil Society in Countering Violent Extremism Experiences with the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

By  Dr. Bibi Van Ginkel
Aug. 21, 2012

Engaging Civil Society in Countering Violent Extremism Experiences with the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

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Engaging Civil Society in Countering Violent Extremism Experiences with the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Terrorism CVE

Ten years after 9/11 we look back on a proliferation of counter-terrorism measures and more intensive cooperation between states, international organizations and agencies. The adoption of the United Nations (UN) Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy in 2006 by the General Assembly (GA)1 reflects this development. Whereas the majority of UN measures adopted before that date were initiated by the Security Council (SC), and mainly had a security perspective, the 2006 Global Strategy broadened the focus of counter-terrorism to include issues of development and human rights, and called for measures to focus on prevention and capacity building.