THE IMPACT OF COUNTER-NARRATIVES Insights from a year-long cross-platform pilot study of counter-narrative curation, targeting, evaluation and impact

By  Tanya Silverman ,Christopher J. Stewart and Jonathan Birdwell
Jan. 1, 2016

THE IMPACT OF COUNTER-NARRATIVES Insights from a year-long cross-platform pilot study of counter-narrative curation, targeting, evaluation and impact

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THE IMPACT OF COUNTER-NARRATIVES Insights from a year-long cross-platform pilot study of counter-narrative curation, targeting, evaluation and impact


The concept of creating counter-narratives in order to push back against extremisms recruitment and propaganda has become well established in recent years. In practice, however, it has proven difficult to curate this content in a systematic way, target it toward at risk audiences, and - most importantly - measure constructive impact on their behavior.