The Rising Terrorist Threat in Tanzania: Domestic Islamist Militancy and Regional Threats

By  Andre LeSage
Jan. 1, 2014

The Rising Terrorist Threat in Tanzania: Domestic Islamist Militancy and Regional Threats

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The Rising Terrorist Threat in Tanzania: Domestic Islamist Militancy and Regional Threats

Peace and Security Policy

Despite its reputation for peace and stability in a troubled region, the East African country of Tanzania is experiencing a rising number of militant Islamist attacks that have targeted local Christian leaders and foreign tourists, as well as popular bars and restaurants. These attacks, which began in 2012, rarely make the headlines of international media. However, they should serve as a wake-up call for U.S. policymakers to increase short-term engagement with Tanzanian officials and support for Tanzanian security agencies to preempt the emergence of a more significant threat to U.S. and international interests in East Africa.