Updated Guidance on ODA-Eligible Activities for Preventing Violent Extremism: Implications and Opportunities for the European Union

By  European Union
Jan. 1, 2016

Updated Guidance on ODA-Eligible Activities for Preventing Violent Extremism: Implications and Opportunities for the European Union

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Updated Guidance on ODA-Eligible Activities for Preventing Violent Extremism: Implications and Opportunities for the European Union

Counter-terrorism Peace Violent Extremism

The European Commission has played an important and increasing role as a substantial provider of external development funds since the establishment of the European Economic Community and the creation of the European Development Fund (EDF) fifty years ago. It has provided billions of euros in aid to recipients and has become the largest humanitarian aid donor in the world. The Commission has also played an important role as an active observer in the OECD throughout that time and has been a leader in its efforts to increase the percentage of aid that the EU and its member states provide as Official Development Assistance (ODA) – which is used by the OECD for determining development assistance as percentage of a donor’s Gross National Income (GNI) each year.