Transitional Justice in Crisis Situations : Addressing Violent Extremism beyond a Militarized Approach

By  Melvis Ndiloseh, Hafsa Maalim
Nov. 19, 2021

Transitional Justice in Crisis Situations : Addressing Violent Extremism beyond a Militarized Approach

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Transitional Justice in Crisis Situations : Addressing Violent Extremism beyond a Militarized Approach

violent extremism, transitional justice, holistic, non-military

The consequent death toll, enforced displacement and billions in financial costs show that violent extremism currently constitutes one of the leading threats to peace, security and state existence in Africa. As such, it is imperative to rethink the current responses to addressing violent extremism on the continent in a bid to explore complementary policy options that are strategic, operational and holistic.2 In this vein, it becomes relevant to interrogate if, why and how non-military responses like transitional justice mechanisms can effectively supplement military solutions for atrocities resulting from violent extremism.