From Profiles to Pathways and Roots to Routes: Perspectives from Psychology on Radicalization into Terrorism

By  John Horgan
June 12, 2008

From Profiles to Pathways and Roots to Routes: Perspectives from Psychology on Radicalization into Terrorism

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From Profiles to Pathways and Roots to Routes: Perspectives from Psychology on Radicalization into Terrorism

Radicalization Terrorism psychology disengagement

Attempts to profile terrorists have failed resoundingly, leaving behind a poor (and unfair) impression of the potential for a sound psychological contribution to understanding the terrorist. However, recent work in the area has delivered promising and exciting starting points for a conceptual development in understanding the psychological process across all levels of terrorist involvement. Involvement in terrorism is a complex psychosocial process that comprises at least three seemingly distinct phases: becoming involved, being involved—synonymous with engaging in unambiguous terrorist activity—and disengaging (which may or may not result in subsequent de-radicalization).