Online De-Radicalization? Countering Violent Extremist Narratives: Message, Messenger and Media Strategy

By  Omar Ashour
Dec. 31, 2010

Online De-Radicalization? Countering Violent Extremist Narratives: Message, Messenger and Media Strategy

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Online De-Radicalization? Countering Violent Extremist Narratives: Message, Messenger and Media Strategy

Violent Extremism Online de-radicalization

The impact of violent extremist narratives on the processes of radicalization, recruitment, and “identity-building” has been established by multiple research findings. In the words of Abu Mus‘ab al-Suri, one the famous strategists and ideologues of Jihadism: “the best way to organize is without an organization...an ideological front survives any security arrangements.” In addition, there has been a debate on the role of the Internet, whether primary or secondary, in promoting and publicizing extremist narratives, in facilitating radicalisation and recruitment processes, as well as in reaching new audiences.[3]